-What is patent? (10mins)
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The Three Different Types of Patents Issued By The USPTO
Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents a useful process, a machine, an article of manufacture, or a composition of matter. Examples: fiber optics, computer hardware, or medications. Utility patent can be provisional or non-provisional.
Design patents may be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture. Examples: the look of an athletic shoe, a bicycle helmet, and the Star Wars characters.
Plant patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plants. Examples: Hybrid tea roses, Silver Queen corn, Better Boy tomatoes
1.(○) 小明半年前將傳統餐桌改良,並申請台灣新型專利,如今想要進軍美國市場,為防止其專利遭受侵權,需要再申請美國專利。
2.(○) 各國專利都有規定專利保護年限,一旦某專利保護年限屆滿,任何人就可自由運用該項專利之技術,不必再受專利權人之約束。
3.(○) 發明了一件既新穎、進步又有產業利用性的產品,要趕快到經濟部智慧財產局申請專利,如果沒有提出申請,反而被別人搶先在市面上販售,發明人的心血就沒啦。
4.(○) 新式樣是指對物品的形狀、花紋、色彩或其結合,透過視覺訴求的創作,這是可以申請新式樣專利的。
5.(2) 阿龐發明了一種自動餵狗吃飯的機器,請問要向哪個機關申請專利權?
(1)財政部國稅局 (2)經濟部智慧財產局 (3)行政院新聞局
6.(1) 阿龐和小艾不約而同的發明了同一種自動餵狗吃飯的機器,兩人也先後向智慧財產局提出專利申請,請問他們二人可以同時擁有專利權嗎?
7.(2) 阿龐有設計可輕鬆闖電腦城寶物的概念,這概念是否為專利保護的標的?
Wikipedia CN
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Google patents
The Three Different Types of Patents Issued By The USPTO
Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents a useful process, a machine, an article of manufacture, or a composition of matter. Examples: fiber optics, computer hardware, or medications. Utility patent can be provisional or non-provisional.
Design patents may be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture. Examples: the look of an athletic shoe, a bicycle helmet, and the Star Wars characters.
Plant patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plants. Examples: Hybrid tea roses, Silver Queen corn, Better Boy tomatoes
1.(○) 小明半年前將傳統餐桌改良,並申請台灣新型專利,如今想要進軍美國市場,為防止其專利遭受侵權,需要再申請美國專利。
2.(○) 各國專利都有規定專利保護年限,一旦某專利保護年限屆滿,任何人就可自由運用該項專利之技術,不必再受專利權人之約束。
3.(○) 發明了一件既新穎、進步又有產業利用性的產品,要趕快到經濟部智慧財產局申請專利,如果沒有提出申請,反而被別人搶先在市面上販售,發明人的心血就沒啦。
4.(○) 新式樣是指對物品的形狀、花紋、色彩或其結合,透過視覺訴求的創作,這是可以申請新式樣專利的。
5.(2) 阿龐發明了一種自動餵狗吃飯的機器,請問要向哪個機關申請專利權?
(1)財政部國稅局 (2)經濟部智慧財產局 (3)行政院新聞局
6.(1) 阿龐和小艾不約而同的發明了同一種自動餵狗吃飯的機器,兩人也先後向智慧財產局提出專利申請,請問他們二人可以同時擁有專利權嗎?
7.(2) 阿龐有設計可輕鬆闖電腦城寶物的概念,這概念是否為專利保護的標的?
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